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- # [System]
- ROUTER=ethernet # dialup/leased/ethernet/bridge
- HOSTNAME=router #611.Router name
- DOMAIN=inet #612.(Local) domain name
- ENAMSQ=y #11.Enable NAT and firewall
- ENAPING=y #112. Enable ICMP responses.
- ENABRG=n #12.Enable bridging mode
- BIGMEM=n #13.If 16+MB RAM start ile command line history.
- RAMDRIVE=n #13.If 17+MB RAM you can enable ramdrives
- SAVERS=5,60 #14.Savers - screen(min),hdd(x5 sec) 0 -off
- SWPSIZE=0 #15.Swap size in MB on boot device. 0 - off
- LOGSIZE=50000,5000 #16.System_log,logins_log sizes (bytes)
- ENABEEP=y #17.Enable beeps for certain events
- ENAMON=n #20. Enamble flashing leds for Internet packets
- COLORS=y #21. Enable console colors
- ENAPNP=n #22. Enable ISA PnP
- DEFISP= # Default dialup ISP
- RDONLY=n #10. Make Freesco run entirely in ram with no disk usage.
- # [Debug]
- LOGDNS=n #412.Log DNS requests
- LOGHTTP=n #182.HTTP/control logging
- LOGCHAT=n #183.Dialout chat script debug logging
- LOGPPPD=n #184.pppd debug logging
- LOGDIALD=n #185.diald verbose logging
- LOGIDENT=s #186.Debug ident or (s)tandard logging
- LOGNET=1 #187.Log level for Netmeeting 0 to 4
- LOGFTP=s #188.Debug FTP or (s)tandard logging
- LOGFIRE=y #189.Log default firewall.
- # [Services] # y - worldwide/s - local/n - disable
- ENADNS=s #41.Enable caching DNS server
- DNSCACHE=500 #411.Number of URL's to cache. 0 to dissable caching
- ENACRON=n #42. Enable Cron deamon
- ENADHCP=n #431.Enable DHCP server
- WINSADDR= #432. WINS address (if external)
- LIZTIME=604800,604800 #433,434 default-lease-time,max-lease-time
- ENAWWW=n #441.Enable Public HTTP Server
- WWWPORT=80 #442. on port
- ENAWWA=s #451.Enable Time Server and control via HTTP
- WWAPORT=82 #452. on port
- TIMADDR=www.clock.org #453.Host timeserver address, empty - disable
- TIMZONE=+0000 #454. Offset to UTC (-1200 -:- +1200)
- ENALPD=n #461.Enable Print Servers
- ENATEL=n #47. Enable telnet server
- ENADYNDNS=n #49. Enable dynamic name client.
- ENAID=n #50. Enable ident server.
- ENAFTP=n #51. Enable FTP server.
- FTPPORT=21 #512. on port.
- FTPCON=5 #513. Maximum allowed FTP connections.
- FTPANON=n #514. Enable anonymous FTP connections.
- PKGDOMAIN=http://www.freescosoft.com/home/0.3.x/ # Default package domain.
- PKGDIR=/www/downloads # default package save directory.
- # [ Print server #1 ]
- ALLOWED0=1 # A picture that all client IP's must match.
- LPPORT0=515
- LPDEV0=lp1
- # [Security]
- TRUSTLN=n #241.Trust local nets y/n/p{artual}
- TRUSTMD=n #242.Modem links have access to local networks
- RINGS=3,8 #220.Rings before answer at login,nologin time
- MonTIM="" #221.Nologin times for modem users
- TueTIM=""
- WedTIM=""
- ThuTIM=""
- FriTIM=""
- SatTIM=""
- SunTIM=""
- # [Hardware COM Ports]
- # [Modems]
- MTU0= #541.Maximum Transmit Unit
- MRU0= #542.Maximum Receive Unit
- MTUALL= # MTU for all dial-in links
- MRUALL= # MRU for all dial-in links
- # [ diald ]
- RDTOUT= #821 delay between dialing attempts (seconds)
- RTRCNT= #822 maximum number of initial attempts
- DRTRCNT= #823 maximum number of restoring attempts
- RBKOFF= #824 increase redial timeout after failure (seconds)
- DFAILIM= #825 maximum number of consecutive failed attempts
- FPTOUT= #826 timeout of the very first packet sent (seconds)
- # [leased line router]
- ADRTYPE= #921.if ISP supplies us with dynamic IP, then:
- LOCAL= #922.fake local side ppp IP addr
- REMOTE= #923.fake remote addr
- # [ethernet/leased/printer/ras router]
- GATEWAY= #62. 631.Default gateway, if exist.
- DNSADDR= #414.Primary DNS address for ethernet connection
- DNSADDR1= #415.Secondary DNS address for ethernet connection
- PROXY="" #914.HTTP proxy addr[:port]
- # [Ethernet hardware]
- IO0=0
- IRQ0=0
- # [Network 0]
- USEDHCP0=n #720. Use DHCP client to config this interface
- DHCPLOG=n #722. Enable DHCP client messages in the log
- DHCPDNS=y #723. Enable auto configuration of DNS via DHCP
- MACADDR0= #629. Spoof MAC address of network 0
- INTNAME0=eth0 # Interface name (eth0|arc0e|arc0)
- IPADDR0= # IP adress of this interface
- NETMASK0= # Network mask
- NETWORK0= # Network address
- BRDCAST0= # Broadcast address
- IPRANGE0="" # IP pool, empty disables DHCP on this interface